Links to full-text articles are provided where available. PsycINFO (psychology, psychiatry and related disciplines).Medline (the largest database, covers clinical, medical and nursing literature).HMIC (Health management information consortium): a compilation of DH-Data (health administration and toxicology) and King's Fund (health improvement and management).EMCARE (nursing and allied health professions): premium database ideal for practice, education and research.EMBASE (European database of biomedical and pharmacological literature).CINAHL (nursing and allied health, including recent US research).British Nursing Index (small database of popular British nursing journals).AMED (physiotherapy, OT, rehabilitation & complementary medicine).
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The following healthcare databases (opens in a new window) are available through NHS OpenAthens and Evidence Search Resources (NHS OpenAthens username and password required). View the short eLearning presentation to sign up to CAIPE.

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